Effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on mouse sleep

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Title: Specific electromagnetic radiation in the wireless signal range increases wakefulness in mice

Journal: PNAS August 3, 2021 118 (31) e2105838118

Link: https://www.pnas.org/content/118/31/e2105838118


In modern society, electromagnetic radiation(EMR) has spread everywhere in the world, and it usually exists with 2.4GHz in our daily life, such as Wi-Fi, 4G, bluetooth and so on. However, we do not know EMR enable to hurt human’s health yet, and the effects of EMR are usually challenged by many researchers. On the one hand, a WHO report shows that there are no health dangers by using cell phone. On the other hand, some experiments show that EMR will affect animals' sleep and increase the incidence of cancer. In this study, the authors create three different closed environments. Each environment spread one kind of EMR, and implanted four cranial electrodes in the skull, two electrodes in the neck musculature of each mouse which lives in these environments. According to the electrodes to record duration of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep to indicate that the affects of EMR to mouse’s sleep. By this method, the authors show that the mouses have increased tendency of wakefulness time and decreased tendency of REM and NREM sleep period. This finding indicates that EMR will make mouses have sleep disorder, and give a powerful evidence for the point that EMR will affect human’s health.

Lei Li
Lei Li
